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Solar Hybrid Power Plant – Somalia

Independent Energy designed a solar system to supplement an
existing diesel generator grid in Mogadishu, Somalia, where there
is very little access to electricity. This 2 MW solar installation, which
includes all power distribution panels and hardware, providing
solar energy to the grid during the day. All of the main distribution
components are housed in a solar container complete with solar
roof. The system with 5000 solar panels installed and a capacity
of 2.000 kWp (2 MWp), generates approximately 3,4 GWh per year,
saving a staggering 1 million litres of diesel each year.

This project demonstrated to us how critical it is to understand your
client’s needs and the importance of clear communication.
Once we reached this understanding, we were able to move quickly
and deliver as expected.

Solar Hybrid Power Plant – Somalia

Independent Energy designed a solar system to supplement an
existing diesel generator grid in Mogadishu, Somalia, where there
is very little access to electricity. This 2 MW solar installation, which
includes all power distribution panels and hardware, providing
solar energy to the grid during the day. All of the main distribution
components are housed in a solar container complete with solar
roof. The system with 5000 solar panels installed and a capacity
of 2.000 kWp (2 MWp), generates approximately 3,4 GWh per year,
saving a staggering 1 million litres of diesel each year.

This project demonstrated to us how critical it is to understand your
client’s needs and the importance of clear communication.
Once we reached this understanding, we were able to move quickly
and deliver as expected.

We supply and install all other accessories which go with the solar
system in detail such as cabling, panels, batteries, inverters etc.
Our Engineers are ready to explain in detail at your suitable time.

Solar Well Head Control systems – Egypt / Tunisia

Multiple well head solar power installations were required in
Egypt’s harsh dry desert conditions. Total reliability was a key
factor for the client as these installations are in extreme and
remote desert areas. Environmental factors like extreme heat,
cold and dust can influence system performance and all of
these factors had to be considered in the design phase of the
project. All systems were designed, manufactured, supplied,
and commissioned as part of this project. These off-grid
industrial systems were installed without a hitch and are
performing excellently in the harsh environments

Solar Backup for Fishfarming – Rwanda

Various Powerhub systems have been designed and implemented
throughout Africa for a variety of purposes. These systems can
operate alone or as part of a larger network of systems.
The Powerhub technology has a significant benefit in that it is
easily expandable and able to integrate into existing grids as load
requirements rise. Currently, these systems play a key role in
electricity delivery systems to water treatment facilities, pumping
stations, and local communities

Solar Diesel Hybrid System – Djibouti

The owner of a massive fish processing industry in Djibouti needed
electricity for his newly built facility. The factory’s location means that
there is no grid energy available, although this is likely to change in
the near future. As a solution, a solar-diesel hybrid system was
designed, constructed, and installed. The Independent Energy Fund
provided funding for this project in the form of a solar leasing
contract. Once the grid is completely operating, the solar system
will be able to be integrated.