Sheikha Al-Harthy

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Graduated in Business Studies in the UK, Accomplished
NEBOSH IDIP (UK) in Occupational Health and Safety,
Communication and Leadership attaining Distinguished
Master (DTM). Among the position held before getting
involved in Solar energy business; 30 years of Long service
employment as Senior Staff employee in different
Departments of renowned Petroleum Development Oman
(PDO) to be completed with a position of Senior HSE Contract
Adviser, Chairwoman of RoseGarden Group.

Peter Van Zwol

Technical Director

Graduated in Environmental and technical studies
(van Hall institute Groningen, Holland) Among the
position held; been working as Senior Project Manager
in construction Ecobrain BV, Project Manager and head
procurement, planning and logistics in Holland Jachtbouw
BV, Managing Director and Co-owner in renewable energy,
Greenmills waste to energy facility and biodiesel production
Amsterdam, Managing Director of Independent Energy.

Louis van der Linden

Senior Project Manager

Graduated as sociologist/anthropologist (University of Amsterdam).
Main activities: 6 years lecturer University of Amsterdam, 16 years
co-owner/ CEO Luna Negra bv (graphic industry), 17 years independent
consultant strategy and concept development, activities (amongst others)
3 years managing director Energy Research Institute bv, since 2012 Senior
Project Manager Independent Energy.